Šifra: ViveFocus3

HTC Vive Focus 3, virtualne naočale

* U cijenu je uključen PDV
* Istaknuta cijena odnosi se na gotovinsko i virmansko plaćanje.
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Developed for all companies, from multinational corporations to freelancersM With the HTC Vive Focus 3 you can enjoy instant all-in-one VR with high resolution, powerful processors and world scale tracking. No wired PC, base stations or sensors are required. Thanks to perfect remote collaboration, you can work regardless of location, teach and learn with unprecedented efficiency and visualize all ideas - be it architecture, exhibitions or marketing campaigns. The all-in-one Vive Focus 3 offers first-class graphics, high ergonomic comfort, tailor-made applications for business processes and has the potential to fundamentally change the way people work. A first class picture with 5K resolution, A field of view up to 120 ° and a faster 90Hz refresh rate are just the tip of the iceberg of performance and quality. The perfect weight balance ensures comfortable use during long sessions and the ergonomically curved battery module on the back, which is attached as a counterweight, eliminates any resistance felt when moving the head. The magnetically attached front seal and back padding with easy-to-clean PU leather trim lie gently on the head and the 150 mm wide face interface is even suitable for wide glasses, so that every head shape and visual aid is supported. An additional eye comfort setting supports an IPD range of 57mm to 72mm. The perfect weight balance ensures comfortable use during long sessions and the ergonomically curved battery module on the back, which is attached as a counterweight, eliminates any resistance felt when moving the head. The magnetically attached front seal and back padding with easy-to-clean PU leather trim lie gently on the head and the 150 mm wide face interface is even suitable for wide glasses, so that every head shape and visual aid is supported. An additional eye comfort setting supports an IPD range of 57mm to 72mm. The perfect weight balance ensures comfortable use during long sessions and the ergonomically curved battery module on the back, which is attached as a counterweight, eliminates any resistance felt when moving the head. The magnetically attached front seal and back padding with easy-to-clean PU leather trim lie gently on the head and the 150 mm wide face interface is even suitable for wide glasses, so that every head shape and visual aid is supported. An additional eye comfort setting supports an IPD range of 57mm to 72mm. The magnetically attached front seal and back padding with easy-to-clean PU leather trim lie gently on the head and the 150 mm wide face interface is even suitable for wide glasses, so that every head shape and visual aid is supported. An additional eye comfort setting supports an IPD range of 57mm to 72mm. The magnetically attached front seal and back padding with easy-to-clean PU leather trim lie gently on the head and the 150 mm wide face interface is even suitable for wide glasses, so that every head shape and visual aid is supported. An additional eye comfort setting supports an IPD range of 57mm to 72mm.
Type VR glasses
colour black
Suitable for Virtual reality
Power supply battery pack 26.6Wh battery - removable & replaceable
Display Art AMOLED
Resolution (total) 4896 x 2448 pixels
Resolution (per eye) 2448 x 2448 pixels
Refresh rate 90 Hz
Field of view 120 °
Cameras number 4th
communication Bluetooth available
WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac
Sensors Accelerometer, gyro sensor, proximity sensor
connections 1x headphones, 2x micro USB type C
Audio Speakers with 2.0 sound and microphone
Note Up to 7m x 7m play area recommended; Minimum playing area is 1m x 1m (standing)
equipment available 2x controller, 2x wrist strap, charger, splitter cable (charging only), quick guide, lens cleaning cloth
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Za narudžbe do 3.000,00 kn dostava se naplaćuje 40 kn, a za narudžbe iznad tog iznosa dostava je besplatna. Pakete šaljemo izričito putem provjerenih dostavnih službi, većinom putem GLS-a.

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Ako ste odmah nakon primitka potvrde o narudžbi primijetili krivi unos adrese, pošaljite nam email na info@team-media.hr sa sljedećim podacima:

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Svi proizvodi su pravilno zapakirani i zaštićeni kako se ne bi oštetili prilikom transporta. Kupac je dužan prilikom preuzimanja proizvoda provjeriti eventualna oštećenja, te ih odmah prijaviti dostavljaču pošiljke i kontaktirati pošiljatelja (Team Media d.o.o.).

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